Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Samuel the Girl?

So the other day I was walking up the stairs to the wellness center as a kind looking old woman waddled down the stairs step by step. Passing her she stopped me, "You know who you look like?!" ....A movie star, I was hoping....

"My Grandson!"

..........And what should i say to that? As she continued,

"They all say he is to pretty to be a boy! Seeing you walk up the stairs I almost yelled 'Samuel!' but then i realized you were a big GIRL!" .....

And so my roommates call me Samuel.....Despite all i have to say this--Samuel must be gorgeous! hahaha ;D

MY BROTHER AND SISTER (in-law) ARE HAVING A BOY! O I'm so excited! Its just a crazy feeling to know I'm going to be an aunt! Its going to be so cool to watch Brenden and Nikki raise a kid! Its been wonderful to see my sister raise two amazing sons! From the mothers point of view I realize how tuff it is to be a mom. Watching my sister has been pretty amazing. Now I get a chance to see it from a Dads perspective a lil. Like its super exciting experiencing my brother as a DAD! I cant wait to watch this! (No pressure Brenden). Its just really interesting to see how my siblings are applying what they learned from Mom and Dad. I'm super lucky to be the last kid because I get to stand back and watch all this. I'm so excited! LoL so Congratulations Brenden and Nikki! I love you both and are such examples and I can't wait to see how this one plays out!

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